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Top Natural and Easy Weight Loss Tips

When you look at the variety of diets out on the market these days, some of them are really torture! You can be on a cayenne pepper cleanse, drink a molasses mixture for a week, or there is always the cabbage soup diet. However, there are better and safer ways to shed the weight. By adopting some of the following tips, you will see your weight start to decrease and your happiness start to increase.

To begin with, snacks are a very important part of losing weight. You need to be munching on a little something every 2 or 3 hours in order to keep your metabolism going, but what you eat is the key. Look for snacks that are filled with protein such as string cheese, a tablespoon of peanut butter and apple slices, or a medium size bowl of edamame.

The next trick of the trade is keeping the TV off. Studies have shown that eating while you are watching TV will cause you to eat almost 40% more calories than eating itself. Any other distracting activity can have the same results too. So even if you are home alone, try to turn off technology and eat at the dinner table.

Another great tip is to monitor your weight. We all know to expect daily fluctuations but if you notice a trend with the numbers consistently rising, than you might want to consider increasing the amount of your work outs or trim down in your food selections.

Most people have heard that the more muscle a person has, the more their metabolism is working hard. So if you want to burn more calories daily, the easiest way is to just take at least 5 minutes to do lunges, squats, and push ups. This will help you to build and also maintain muscle so that your metabolism will be torching those calories.

What about those annoying cravings? We all get them- whether it is for cake, cookies, or an ice cold beer. Studies have also shown that these cravings usually only last for about 5 minutes. So next time a craving strikes, call up an old friend and see how they have been doing; by the time you hang up the phone, the craving should have passed and you are back on the straight and narrow.

Most importantly, you need to have a good, balanced breakfast to jump start your day. By choosing a breakfast that is made up of mostly carbs and protein, your blood sugar levels will stay consistent and you won't feel like eating a four course meal for lunch. Try something simple like eggs whites, turkey bacon, and a slice of whole wheat toast.

In conclusion, if you are eager to start shedding some extra pounds, there are many safe and healthy ways that you can reach that goal. Even if you have to start out slow and make only a couple of changes in the beginning, you will still notice a change in your weight and in your health.

Robert Lagana

Rob Lagana has competed in numerous bodybuilding competitions and is a multi-title winner. He currently holds the 2006 Mr. Canada Natural Bodybuilding title in the NFSO & IFSB. Along with experience, Lagana Fitness provides the ultimate pathway to achieving your cosmetic, health and wellness goals. Lagana Fitness offers unique motivational, bodybuilding and fitness tips with free subscription to his newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rob_Lagana