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Losing Weight and Getting Abs: Simple Tips!

If you are interested in getting a sixpack and need to lose stomach fat then here are a few things you can consider:

Illnesses and inflammation

Digestive issues, immune system problems, and poor joints are all related to weight loss. Setbacks like these can slow down results or add to potential injury during exercise. Diet is a contributing factor in the health of these areas. Foods rich in anti-oxidants will prevent inflammation and similar issues that would slow down weight loss.

High insulin levels

Insulin is a hormone responsible for deciding what energy gets stored as fat, and it also dictates your blood sugar health. An excess of insulin in your system will cause fat to be stored much easier as your body thinks it's starving. For example in primitive times, when we did not have food for long periods, our insulin raised and fat was stored as a safety mechanism. High insulin levels can also lead to heart issues, memory loss, and constant exhaustion. Nowadays you will experience high insulin from stress, consuming too much sugary foods, or having an excess of processed food in your diet. These are just a few examples and there are many more. The best thing you can do is exercise, eat a healthy diet, and avoid stress. Following that will keep our hormone levels in tact and help fat loss.

Anxiety and stress

Serotonin is also a very important hormone to understand. It has a convincing effect over the state of our emotions, sleep levels, and food cravings. With unhealthy serotonin levels, you will have poor sleep patterns and be more likely to indulge in bad food choices. Try to get as much sunlight as you can as this naturally will boost your serotonin production. A diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals will also add to good levels.

Estrogen levels

Estrogen is actually a great hormone that improves our general wellness for both men and women. Alike other hormones though, too high or too of levels will yield unfavourable results. Genetics can play a role in the amount of estrogen your body produces. It can also be apart of your diet as some foods, typically processed, will have synthetic blends of estrogen-like additives. These will enter your body and act like the actual hormone so it is good to avoid such foods. For men at least, having a lot of estrogen can slow down results and your goals of getting abs.

Check out http://sixpackquick.com for more information on similar topics!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gio_Dermunde