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The 30-Second Easy Exercise Plan

Are you having trouble getting motivated to start exercising? If so, this article could be just the thing that can help you get started.

Many people have all kinds of excuses why they are not exercising regularly, but the most common excuse is a lack of time. The reality is that if something is important to us, we'll find the time... if we just get started.

What's going on mentally is the fact that the Subconscious part of our mind, the part of our mind that houses our long-term habits, is reluctant to let new information in to take hold. This is due to the protective part of our mind watching out for us, to keep us safe. For instance, if you believe that the planet earth is round, it would be nearly impossible for anyone to convince you that the earth was flat... even if you had never been in outer space and seen the earth with your own eyes.

In short, this protective function of your mind is there to keep you from learning information that is counter-intuitive to what you've always "known" to be true and to keep you safe.

Therefore, it's often helpful when adopting new habits to ease your way into them rather than jumping in to the deep end. With that in mind, try the 30-Second Exercise Plan. Simply put, make a promise to yourself that starting today, you'll exercise for 30 seconds. The best part? You can do this with any activity of your preference. Regardless of your exercise of choice, simply committing to a 30 second exercise program takes away the "I don't have time" excuse because anyone has time for 30 seconds of activity.

This certainly is not meant to say that a 30-second exercise plan will help you lose weight or get into shape, but in this case, it's all about getting started. Sometimes taking that first step can be the most difficult part.

Basically this is a simple mental trick to get you started. Then, once you start, you'll usually do more than 30 seconds. Then after you've been exercising for just 30 seconds (or a few minutes) a day for a while, you can then slowly raise the amount of time you exercise. Try going from a few minutes a day to 10 minutes... then 15 minutes... then 20 minutes and so on.

By doing this simple method, you'll be slowly acclimating yourself to exercising and this can be much easier than "jumping right in" to a 45 minute workout.

The author Cris Johnson is a Certified Instructor of hypnosis and is the director of Niagara Falls Hypnosis Center located in Niagara Falls, NY. He specializes in helping people lower their stress levels, reduce anxiety, and eliminate panic attacks. For more information, please visit http://www.NiagaraFallsHypnosisCenter.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cristopher_J_Johnson