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Six Simple Tips for the Body Building Beginner - Do You Need Better Sleep?
The task may seem daunting for a novice, but once you get the hang of it, you will find that working out can be enjoyable, rewarding, and even relaxing. Here are six easy tips to guide the first time lifter.
Do full body workouts for the first few months.
Do this so you avoid looking unbalanced, with a bulky upper body and a scrawny lower body, or the reverse. Full body workouts tone and shape every muscle group in a relatively small amount of time.
Do this for the first two or three months, which at that point is when your muscles will begin to bulk up. After this period of time, you can move on to a different routine.
Start with light weights.
So you think you will look silly curling 10 pounds next to the guy pumping 60 pounds at the gym. But don't be too cocky because you could end up hurting yourself.
As a beginner, you should start small and see what your body can take before taking on heavier and heavier weights. Do this gradually. Don't overexert your muscles or you could end up damaging them permanently.
Watch your diet.
This is the part that most beginners forget. Body building isn't all about pumping iron at the gym. You have to watch what you eat as well. Make sure you eat lots of red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, fruits, and vegetables.
Cut out all processed fruits. Drink protein shakes. Reduce your alcohol intake.
Make friends with other body builders.
It would greatly benefit you, as a beginner, to seek help and advice from the older guys at the gym - the ones that are really ripped or have experience competing in body building contests. These guys can teach you a thing or two that books and health magazines cannot.
Get the gear.
You don't have to go on a spending spree. Just make sure that you have well-fitting, unrestrictive workout clothing, a good pair of trainers, a workout bag, socks, and towels.
Some weight lifters swear by weightlifting buckles, raising bands, and weightlifting gloves. Ask experienced body builders about what works for them and then try them out for yourself.
Set goals.
As a beginner, you have to have a clear view of what you want to achieve. Write down and clearly define your health goals, performance goals, and physical goals. Make sure they are realistic and feasible.
I have prepared very powerful body building techniques below, enjoy!
To get cutting edge techniques in body building and getting in the best shape of your life, click here: tips for body building [http://gyminhome.com/]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jerry_Stanton