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Sensible Weight Loss Strategies

Are you confused by the number of weight loss strategies out there? If so, you are not alone. Faced with cutting fat, calories, or carbs, what do you do? Actually, most of these diets can work, but some may be hard to stick to for a long time. They key is to come up with a lifetime diet plan that works for you!

Most nutritionists would advise overweight clients to simply limit their diets in a moderate and sensible way. This, combined with additional exercise, can produce the best results while keeping people healthy. Apparently this is not as easy as it sounds, judging by the number of people who fail to lose weight and keep it off!

One of the best weight loss tips is to full your body into thinking it has plenty eat while still limiting calories. This can be done by eating plenty of healthy fiber and fresh produce. A big salad seems like a lot more food than a small serving of meat or bread. It takes longer to eat, and this can help your body feel more full.

For example, one study was conducted that tested this. For a few days, volunteers were given pasta with meat sauce. They were allowed to take as much as they wanted and even go back for second helpings. The doctors measured how much pasta and sauce each volunteer took for their meal.

After a few days, the doctors changed the recipe by adding quite a few low-calorie vegetables to the sauce. This reduced the calorie count of each helping of sauce. The surprising thing was that the volunteers did not take any more to make up for this. Apparently these volunteers judged a satisfying serving by the volume of food and not by the calories!

They may not even have done this consciously, but their brains wanted to eat so many bites in order to feel as if they had a good meal. This study came to the conclusion that one tactic is to add more low calorie food to a meal. Our bodies will still feel as if they have had enough to eat!

How can you do this at home? If you make your own pasta, you can try the same trick. Add mixed vegetables to the sauce near the end of the cooking process. You can also be sure you serve an attractive salad or serving of vegetables with every meal that you make. In the morning, you might add fruit or a fruit salad too.

This "trick" may also help you eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables every day to be sure you are getting all of the nutrients you need. If you want to lose weight, you need to be satisfied with the amount of food your are eating or it will be tempting to cheat. Adding more low-calorie food to a meal, instead of really taking things away, seems to be a very good strategy for long-term weight loss.

Thank for reading this article. Please feel free to visit my blog at http://www.laganafitness.com for more great articles and order your custom tailored workouts and custom tailored meal plans.

Coach Rob

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rob_Lagana