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Natural Muscle Growth And Key Supplements

The new year has just begun and many people's new year resolution is to get healthier in the gym or build more muscle for better appearance. You will notice the gyms will be packed in January, February and than in March, they are empty. What happens in March is people realize they are not getting the results they want and just quit. This is the worst thing you can do because all you need is some knowledge on simple concepts when it comes to working out.

There are only a few key factors that really help you see results in a short period of time. You must do the proper exercises for a certain period of time. You need to give you body the right nutrients through out the day to help your body recover, and last but not least, you need the proper rest at night.

Lets look at the first key factor, which is the proper exercises for a certain period of time. All your exercises should be build around compound exercises. What are compound exercises? They are exercises that work multiple muscles at ones. I would categorize your exercises for certain muscle groups. For example, Monday you do legs, Wednesday you do chest and Friday you do back. Monday is your leg day so you do those particular exercises that focus on your legs. I would start with a compound exercise for legs on "leg day" and the best leg compound exercise is squats. Squats will give you the quickest results for your legs only if they are done properly. Make sure you watch videos on the correct form or even have someone at the gym even assist you. The key to any exercise is to come down slow with a count of 4 seconds and explode up with all your might. This is what triggers muscle growth and strength. You can do 3 more isolated exercises that day for that certain muscle group. For your chest days, start off with a barbell flat bench press and for back days, start off with dead lifts. Remember, form and timing is key.

The second key factor is nutrition through out the day. Eat 5-6 meals with high protein with low GI (glycemic Index) for carbohydrates. You will have to supplement with a protein source unless you can fit a lot of fish, beef and chicken in your diet. I would recommend a high quality whey protein powder for easy to make shakes on the go. Do you need a pre-workout or post-workout supplements? It is not a necessity, however, I would highly recommend them. Pre-workout supplements give you that kick and focus to give you an amazing workout, however, a lot of pre-workout and post-workout supplements are not good for you. They are filled with chemicals and loads and loads of caffeine.

So what is a good pre-workout supplement? I would just say Coffee, but not just any coffee, there is a new kind of coffee on the market that has a special herb infused in it to make it extremely powerful. The herb is called ganoderma and it is considered the "king of herbs" because of it's many health benefits. Here are is just a small list of health benefits of Ganoderma:

- Oxygenates your body and increases blood flow and circulation
- Extending cell life by reducing free radicals in your body
- Rejuvenating your internal organs and promoting longevity
- Anti-viral and Anti-bacterial or in other words boosts your immune system.

This is just a very small list, and there are hundreds of validated data on ganoderma on how it helps our bodies, just Google it. For weight training or any other form of exercise, lets focus on the ability of ganoderma oxygenating your body and increasing blood flow naturally. When your body has more oxygen in the muscle, you have more energy to exert period. The increased blood flow is going to deliver the proper nutrients to your muscles under intense loads. The feeling you will get is this nice energy level for hours without the crash you get from regular pre-workout drinks.

What about post workout drinks? I would recommend a high quality protein shake right after your workout. I would not recommend more than 30 grams of protein because your body can't absorb more than that so you would be wasting it. For a great assistance to your protein shake, drink another coffee with ganoderma in it. Ganoderma has over 200 nutrients and 150 different kind of anti-oxidants to help heal your body faster.

The last key factor to giving you better results in the gym is rest. This is often over looked, you need at least 7-8 hours of sleep period. Set a time where you are going to go to bed everyday and stick to that time. This will regulate your internal sleep clock and it will help you fall asleep faster. Never go to bed when you are completely awake, get out of your bed room and read a book to help your brain to shut down. Your bedroom is for sleep only so keep anything that will disrupt your sleep out of your room. For example, a computer or television, keep these out of your room.

Ganoderma also has a key role in sleep according to the many studies out there. Like I said before, you can Google it.

You follow these steps and you will have great results. Remember the key ingredients for great results in the gym are proper exercises, proper nutrition and proper sleep. If any one of these key elements are missing, you will hinder your results.

For amazing Ganoderma supplements and Coffee please visit [http://www.coffeeworldteam.com]

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jesse_Singh