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How to Build a Massive Chest Without the Bench Press

If you are a guy, chances are you want a big chest.

A massive chest.

Am I right? The problem is that you are probably going about it the wrong way. You see, most of you are performing endless amounts of bench press to build your chest. Contrary to popular belief, the bench press is not the best chest building exercise.

Well, the bench press is more of a front deltoid exercise. In addition, most people perform the bench press incorrectly which leads to injures. So, what should you be performing instead of the bench press?

Chest Building Exercises

#1 - Push Ups
Yes, Push Ups are the best chest building exercise known to man.
If they are too easy then you can add resistance to them. If the standard Push Up is boring to you then hop on Google and search for Push Up variations. I can think of about 30 Push Up variations off the top of my head. Variations make them exciting.

#2 - Flat Dumbbell Chest Press
Using the dumbbells are much better than the barbell because the dumbbells put your arms in a much better position, anatomically speaking.

#3 - Dips
Dips are phenomenal.
Just make sure that you do not go below 90 degrees as this will make your shoulders susceptible to injury. It is also important to know that you should not add resistance to dips. You will often see people in the gym strapping weight plates to their waist and performing low rep dips. This is extremely dangerous. Your shoulders and elbows could get injured. Keep dips to just your bodyweight and perform high reps.

OK, those are 3 great exercises for building a massive chest. Get good at these exercises. Strive to either add reps or add weight. Make sure to pound the calories as well. You can't build muscle without being in a caloric surplus. This means that you must be consuming more calories than you burn.

Having said that, you should aim for about 20 times your bodyweight in pounds for the number of calories you consume. For example, a 200 pound man should aim to consume 4,000 calories a day. 200 times 20 equals 4,000. If this man is not putting on a pound of mass a week then he should increase his calories to 4,500 a day. This is just a good rule-of-thumb.

My name is Dan Blumenstock and I am a personal trainer who specializes in 3 Month Body Transformations.

Pick up a FREE copy of my eBook, "MAXIMUM MUSCLE 101: 101 ways to build intimidating muscle"


You can also visit my site to learn much much more about muscle building and fat loss


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Blumenstock